Speaking at Athy Town Council Cllr Richard Daly criticised the continuing attacks on the most vulnerable in our society as the “Choices” programme for people with mental health issues in Athy is discontinued.
“There still seems to be no shortage of funding for ministerial expenses while the most vulnerable in our community have had their basic course axed. Once more this is a very vulnerable group in society paying for the misdemeanours of the government. Billions are available for bailouts for bankers while those with mental health issues are reduced to fending for themselves. “he claimed.
“The option offered to participants of bus transport to another programme in Maynooth shows how little the HSE are aware of the profile of the attendees. The very raison d’etre of the programme was to equip participants with the skills to take journeys like the one which would now become a prerequisite of the course.
The same HSE has in recent weeks shocked the population of Athy with the announced closure of a 26 bed ward for elderly patients now seem to be hell-bent on removing services to the most vulnerable.
There was a time when questions on health used to be answered in the Dail by the Minister for Health. Since the inception of the HSE there is no recourse to getting answers to questions like this.
“Those who suffer from mental health issues deserve consideration not neglect” said Cllr Daly