As the Christmas season approaches and people are coming under financial pressure they should avoid the temptation to accept offers from moneylenders according to Cllr Richard Daly of Fine Gael.
“Moneylenders are not regulated and have brought untold misery to so many families throughout the county. They make money immediately available at your doorstep which might be very attractive to the hard pressed householder who doesn’t have money available for the upcoming Christmas season. At the time of handing out the money there is little discussion of how much the payments will be and then suddenly you are in the hands of the moneylenders.
The first point of call should be your be your local credit union and even if you already have financial difficulties they are well worth talking to. If you are already in financial difficulty you should call MABS Money (Advice and Budgeting Service) at 1890 283 438.
What many people think is a short term solution to a short term problem becomes a long term slavery to the clutches of a non regulated moneylender and instead of solving a problem they have created a major one.
MABS and the Credit Union should be the first port of call for people experiencing financial difficulty and any of your local representatives will be glad to put you in contact with them.”