Saturday, September 29, 2007

Daly criticises lack of standards in public office

It is not good enough that the ordinary citizen is asked to abide by legislation regarding his financial affairs while some of our legislators can make up their own rules claims Fine Gael’s Cllr Richard Daly

“It is a slur on both the law-abiding politicians and the ordinary taxpayer that some of our well paid leaders can claim loss of memory as reason for being able to give account of receiving very irregular financial donations. We have had a spate of illegal offshore accounts and false accounting by others who were involved in implementing laws by which the ordinary citizen must abide.

Our political process is being demeaned by the lack of standards in public office and sends out signal that not getting caught is all that is required of dubious financial dealings.” said Cllr Daly

“Fianna Fail have sent out the message that “political loyalty” is a more important trait than financial integrity and this mantra has been trotted out by Minister Cowan in case any of the party followers might question the dubious financial affairs of the Taoiseach.

I am disappointed that South Kildare’s Minister Power was among those sent out to bat in defence of his leader in his recent troubles.

For the politicians who are not in the habit of receiving envelopes or suitcases of cash and to those who pay their tax on their earnings the recent behaviour is an insult. The financial dealings of our leader have become the object of comedy throughout the media and it has eroded the integrity of us all.

Our children and our electorate deserve the highest standards from our leaders and the current political system encourages political cynicism when our leaders cannot account for their actions”.

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